The TASKING Safety Checker greatly enhances the effectiveness and efficiency of your software safety verification process, allowing you to meet the specific demands required for ISO 26262 certification. With the Safety Checker, you can automatically detect interference between software elements with different Automotive Safety Integrity Levels (ASIL) by checking access restrictions on the memory of single and multi-core systems.
Keeping track of violations in your C/C++ variables ensures that your software components and ASIL decompositions meet specific ISO 26262 requirements while also providing the clearest perspective on the impact of code changes. | Your code can be checked as you actively work on your project, allowing you to maximize both your time and productivity while still developing applications of the highest quality and safety. | The automated functions in the Safety Checker can save hours of your development process, removing the need to perform manual code verification checks by hand. |
Bugs in low-safety-level code should not affect high-safety-level data.
High-safety-level code should not depend on low-safety-level code.
Low-safety-level code is not allowed to write in high-safety-level data sections
High-safety-level code is not allowed to call low-safety-level functions